12'6" 2-Piece Trolling Rods for Huge Bait Spread
Innovative Trolling Rods | USA Made by Lamiglas
Moat trolling rods typically fall into the range between 6′6" and 10’6″ but Lamiglas decided to take it a step further. The intent isn’t just to build a rod that is the first of it’s kind – a composite 12’6 trolling rod, but to give anglers a better chance at fish.
Our new USA-Made rods offer the ability to spread baits out even further, giving you a larger spread when trolling or anchored. This brings a bigger “wall” of baits to present to fish. With 12’6"s out the side you get more of a horizontal spread, and if you fish them out the back of the boat you have less chance of tangles with the motor.
Fighting fish on a 12’6″ rod is a lot of fun and helps to keep fish hooked because of the long bend you can keep on a fish. When it comes to netting, just step up in the boat and angle that fish toward the net handler, the strong construction protects the rod and can move the fish quickly when needed.
These were designed for salmon but we've seen numbers of anglers using them for other species due to the power and spread offered.
“The 12’6″ Kwiks really top off the whole Certified Pro Kwik lineup and creates a huge advantage for maximizing your spread while trolling for salmon.” – Brandon McGavran
Length: 12’6″
Pieces: 2
Blank: Graphite/Fiberglass
Handle: Graphite w/ Rubberized Butt
Components: Premium Fuji Guides & Double Lock Reel Seat
The XCC1265GH (“1265″) is a 15-30lb rod rated 1-8oz.
The 1265’s ideal weight for trolling would be 2 – 12 ounces and can cast 1 – 5 very well.
These trolling rods work perfectly for trolling flashers with herring or anchovies. 360′ flashers like the “Pro Troll” or “Super Series” from Shortbus work perfectly, handling the drag and keeping a steady motion at the tip. They also are excellent spinner trolling rods that can hammer hooks home. Looking to have major plug spread? You can anchor or back-troll with salmon plugs like ‘Kwikfish’ or ‘Killerfish.’ The rods have enough tip play to allow a plug to “hunt” and provide excellent reaction to a bite. The composite blank construction gives these rods the ultimate action.
The XCC1267GH (“1267″) is a 20-40lb rod with a rating of 4-12 oz.
For trolling it can easily troll 8 – 20 oz. and can cast 2 – 8 oz effectively.
Columbia River anglers fishing areas like Astoria, Bonneville or the Hanford reach will find a major use for these rods, but they are so dynamic and useful they will bring major advantages in other fisheries. The opportunities available in spreading baits out like never before will bring higher fish percentages to those who know how to employ the rods properly.
Some bait-chunking anglers like them for fisheries that need length but a more moderate bend.
In this video, Brandon McGavran explains the benefits and uses of these rods.
Premium components and USA made construction brings forth the finest trolling rods ever designed.